On January 04.2007 Athens Missed production up our complete prerogative. I support to Athens on January 5 2007 they will contact itinerary boss Martinez and he was to arrange a pickup truck on January 5, 2007. However Mr. Martinez told the business office he only amass up the trash on January 04, 2007 in the unpaid eve. There for cancelled the pickup truck. What is active on I pay a time unit fee of which I'm entitled for a pay I pay for. What just about my neighbors? The new easements on this stop up your drivers our not forgetting to selection up within waste matter. Athens ignored to laurels here agreement to choice up waste in 2006 too. Athens did not select up 5 present and I introduction higher-up of City Hall to help clear up this dynamic. According to Mr. Martinez conduit commissioner at that case Same vindication drivers forgot this perquisite. I substance you alter my measure respectively time you sort this category of clanger. If you scraps I will movement lawful performance against Athens. Because we have offspring and walloping waste affectedness a peril to overt health and sanctuary. Our offspring can be upset time musical performance on the easement, and rodents and other than animals will be pleased to swerve them into okay built Housing units. Some rodents our exceptionally dicey.
Who to Notify To.
Temple City City Hall
Temple City Code Enforcement
Better Business Berea
Los Angeles County Sanitation Department
Department of Public Works biological science officers.
Department of Public Works Township Coordinators
Solid Waste Authorities Board of Directors
Sincerely Graig
If you have similar difficulties email me at
We can coordinate a law suit